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Shedd Aquarium

Longshadow Gardens

83 Longshadow Ln. , Pomona, IL 62975

Public Art

An Illinois Made producer of planters and garden ornaments

They named Longshadow Gardens after the long shadows cast by tall Oaks, Hackberries and Sassafras across our hilltop meadows. Twenty years ago, determined to create fine garden ornaments and a great Garden, they purchased a neglected farm with breathtaking views, grottoes, waterfalls and limestone bluffs adjacent to the Shawnee National Forest. After clearing weeds away, they planted Boxwood allees, Yew, Dawn Redwood, Bald Cypress, Roses, Prairie and ornamental grasses, rows of Lavender and billows of Nepeta. Garden ornaments are nestled as focal points in evocative settings.

Mowed grass paths and shaded walks lead through a carpet of woodland treasures including spring ephemerals, wild Orchids, Spicebush, Witch hazel, and many more. They support our passion for gardening by designing and hand crafting Longshadow dry cast limestone planters and garden ornaments in buildings that blend into our rural surroundings. Their motto is Fabricia in Horto Nostro, Latin for “Factory in a Garden.” In their factory they hand craft the finest garden ornaments and planters in the world. In Longshadow Gardens, they strive to attain fleeting moments of memorable beauty.

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